Garbage Truck Loader

Job Location: Canada
Vacancies: 18
Job Type: Full Time
Period Of Employment: 2 Years

Garbage Truck Loader

Job requirements




Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
or equivalent experience


No experience

Specific Skills
Clean and maintain sidewalks, streets, roads and public grounds; Assist equipment operators to secure attachments to equipment or truck; Load and unload trucks with supplies and equipment; Collect and load refuse on garbage trucks
Weight Handling
Up to 13.5 kg (30 lbs)
Work Site Environment
Outdoors; Wet/damp; Noisy; Odours
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities
Repetitive tasks; Combination of sitting, standing, walking; Bending, crouching, kneeling
Work Location Information
Rural area; Urban area; Various locations
Personal Suitability
Team player
Medical Benefits; Dental Benefits
5/5 - (4 votes)

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